Orange isn't my favorite color, I don't really dislike it either, it just kinda exists for me.
I remember one time as a kid, just sitting there eating my carrot sticks in the lunch room, and my fingers had a bit of an orangish tint to them. One of the older kids told me that I would slowly begin to turn completely orange, and that it was irreversible. Everyone told me that it was a lie, but I secretly thought about it until my fingers turned back to their normal color.
This year, in my apartment of 6 of the most "funnest" girls I have ever met, we decided to have a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. One of the girls doesn't like them, so we decided to surprise her with a pumpkin with her favorite sesame street character carved into it, Elmo. I came up with the design, it was really cute!

The only other orange memory I have is my campus in the fall. If anyone has ever seen SIUE in the fall, you will know what I am talking about. It is B-E-A-UTIFUL! It makes it just an awesome place to be with trails to walk, and hills and things to play on. It is just relaxing after spending hours in a small, plain white practice room!