A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Monday, January 30, 2006

which to read?

Hey everyone, I need your help! In my english class, we are doing a type of book report. We have to choose from 6 banned books. If anyone has read any of these, (I know you have read at least one of these) let me know which ones you have read, and which one you recommend.

A Brave New World
The Catcher in the Rye
Farenheit 451
The Handmaid's Tale
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

Help me pick a good one!

Friday, January 20, 2006

what have I done?

Yesterday, my voice teacher wanted to talk to me... and she was being extra polite. I was immediately suspicious. She started to ask about my work schedule and how flexible it could be. She went on to ask if there was any way I could move my work days around so that I had tuesdays and wednesdays off. I said yes, not knowing what I had just done by saying so. She then told me that they were in dire need of one more female dancer for the april production of "Pirates of Penzance". I love theatre, so of course, I had to say yes. As I was going home, it really hit me... I had just lost my only two free nights, now being tied up monday thru friday.

Can someone out there teach me how to say "NO"? I know that word is in my vocabulary, because I have used it quite a few times. Any time that someone asks me for a favor though, I just can't say it! I did it in high school, and kinda screwed myself over by doing so, but I have been sooo good about it this year, I thought that I had broken the habit. Hmmm... guess not.

I think that learning this simple little word would really help me out, but in the meantime... I guess I will just have to live with a busy schedule once again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

a nice change

I just recently started singing with the school's jazz ensemble. I am sooo happy because it is a nice change from all of the classical music I have been singing. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working on the pieces in my voice lessons, but I am not the kind of person who can sing only classical every day for long periods of time. Now, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have a chance to work on something completely different to keep me from getting bored. Am I going to tell my voice teacher?... NO WAY. She is a great teacher, but I think that she feels that classical is all I should be doing right now, and it kinda pisses me off. Oh well, I can't wait to really get into this, it is going to be such a great experience! YAY!

Monday, January 02, 2006


I don't get it. The Rams have played like crap all season-never throwing the ball or making a tackle-and yet last night when it didn't matter at all, they play like they are supposed to! I was sooo excited when they won, and then about fifteen minutes later, I was mad at them for throwing an entire season away when they apparently knew how to win a game.

Hellloooo boys, what the hell were you thinking? You obviously know how to pass and tackle because I have seen it before and I saw it last night. We could be in the damn playoffs if you would just play like you (apparently) practiced. Wow, what IDIOTS!

Oh well, there is always next season. Now I have to wait around for baseball to start because I don't do hockey!