A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Happy birthday to...ME

19 years ago, perfection was introduced to this planet. It was a wonderous being like the world has never seen before. The ultimate mix of beauty, grace, talent, intelligence, charisma and power. In this baby girl, the world saw greatness before them. 19 years later... WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED????

Yes, it is my birthday, feel free to say/ do whatever... except sing, I hate it when they sing.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wind, rain, heat and sickness

Last night, during the intense storm, I was stuck working at the Muny. Our boss shoved a bunch of us in a bathroom and just told us to wait until she said to come out. I got to see most of the storm out of the open door, and I have to say aside from it being so destructive, it was a neat sight. Things flying everywhere and a lot of wind and rain, it looked like something out of a movie. Even though my house has power, it is really hot here. Like not being able to sleep hot. And with the events of last week, I could use some sleep. You see, we have 3 window a/c units in the house, 2 upstairs and 1 down. (I sleep downstairs, and it is getting kinda sticky from the humidity) However, the heat is not the only thing keeping me from sleeping, I have the massive sinus headache from hell. I can barely function when I am awake, and it is too painful to sleep.

Aside from all of this, I am bored, I miss CATS. Oh well, at least I have a birthday coming up, yay!

Friday, July 14, 2006

too exhausted to write this entry

CATS is going well, but I am completely wiped out. Even after sleeping for a lot of hours, I am about ready to fall over! But there is a good side to all of this activity, on wednesday, I learned that from the first wednesday rehearsal to opening night a week later, I dropped an awesome 4.6 lbs. Woohoo for me! I knew that there was an upside to sweating my brains out.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

good friends

Everyone knows that truly good friends are hard to come by. I can honestly say that I have at least 10 of them. I know that all of these people really care for me, but recently I had a nice little reminder of that fact, and it felt really good!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


So, tonight I just worked my first night of Aida at the Muny where I actually got to see and hear the whole thing, and it gave me goosebumps. The voices are AMAZING, and why wouldn't they be concidering that the 3 leads did their part on broadway at one time or another. Usually, I would say that my new dream role would be Aida, but we all know that that's not going to happen, so I will move along to another great part, the princess Amneris. Tonight I found myself saying more than once, "Dang, that girl can SING" and she has very many opportunities in the show to do so. Anyway, I just purchaced the OBC recording on amazon.com like 2 minutes ago, so if I start annoying you by singing the songs, well... get over it, they're all go good I can't help it. It takes a great show to leave me with my mouth gaping open in amazement, and I did that after each act, so if you haven't done so yet, you have one more chance. GO SEE IT. Yeah, that's it.