I went to see RENT (twice actually) and because I am the only one who liked the movie better , I thought I would explain why.
The last time that RENT came to the Fox, only for a weekend, I had tickets to see it. I was happy because my seats were towards the front of the balcony, but I soon found out that it is a show that I need to see up close (er). Besides not being able to see what was going on, I could not hear what was going on! I already knew that there was an on-stage rock band that played for the show, but I did not think that they would go so far as to overpower the cast completely. I could not understand a single word that was sung, and I think that had I not already known the plot of the show, I would have been completely lost by the end. After I got over the fact that they took the tempo of everything about 10 times faster than I was used to, I tried to just enjoy the show, but the only thing I liked were the voices. But even that was messed up for me. Every time anyone sang or spoke, there was this rediculous echo.
What the movie did for me was allow me to hear and enjoy the music, and actually let me see what was going on. I also loved the set and the fact that in the movie, you have New York City there to add to the total effect. Maybe if I had a better theatrical experience I would be one of the many who think that the movie is good, but on stage it is better. I loved the movie a lot, despite some of the things I think they could have done better, simply because it was better than any other experience of RENT I ever had.
( also the fact that one of my favorite performers, Idina Menzel, was in it did effect my judgement!)