A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I went to see RENT (twice actually) and because I am the only one who liked the movie better , I thought I would explain why.

The last time that RENT came to the Fox, only for a weekend, I had tickets to see it. I was happy because my seats were towards the front of the balcony, but I soon found out that it is a show that I need to see up close (er). Besides not being able to see what was going on, I could not hear what was going on! I already knew that there was an on-stage rock band that played for the show, but I did not think that they would go so far as to overpower the cast completely. I could not understand a single word that was sung, and I think that had I not already known the plot of the show, I would have been completely lost by the end. After I got over the fact that they took the tempo of everything about 10 times faster than I was used to, I tried to just enjoy the show, but the only thing I liked were the voices. But even that was messed up for me. Every time anyone sang or spoke, there was this rediculous echo.

What the movie did for me was allow me to hear and enjoy the music, and actually let me see what was going on. I also loved the set and the fact that in the movie, you have New York City there to add to the total effect. Maybe if I had a better theatrical experience I would be one of the many who think that the movie is good, but on stage it is better. I loved the movie a lot, despite some of the things I think they could have done better, simply because it was better than any other experience of RENT I ever had.
( also the fact that one of my favorite performers, Idina Menzel, was in it did effect my judgement!)

Friday, November 18, 2005

HARRY POTTER and the goblet of fire

Saw it at midnight, loved it! I don't want to rant on and on about it until others have seen it, so please go see it and post your thoughts!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

one of those days

Have you ever had one of those days? You wake up bright and early only to find out that it isn't early enough, and you will have to put the shower off until after the 8am music theory class ( not to mention that because of this fact you have no choice but to wear a hat ~I don't do hats). When you get to theory, you are faced with a quiz that you aren't quite prepared for, and are one of the last ones finished ( the fact that it is early does factor into this too). Since you have no more classes until your 2pm voice lesson, you go home to do a buttload of homework. When you are done (hours later) you leave the house to find it pouring, and even though you are wearing your tennis shoes, your shoes, socks, feet, and even the bottom of your pants manage to get soaked. When you get to your lesson, you find out that your teacher does not need the work that you busted your ass on until after thanksgiving break. Eventually, you find yourself at work, somehow stuck with every single crappy piece of dirty work that needs to be done.

The thing however, that makes this day so bad, is the horrible decision I had to make all by myself. Because of my busy class and work schedule, I had to drop out of the auditions for the spring musical. For the first time in 4 years, I will not be in a show during the school year. Now, you may be thinking " good, your schedule won't be so full that you go insane" or "big deal, no show". The only thing I have to say to that is that I think theatre was what kept me sane in highschool (ok, maybe not sane, but you catch my drift), and this is a big deal for me. This was one of the hardest things I have had to do since I moved away from home, and anybody who knows me at all knows why. I can't go from the Crucible, Anything Goes, and 42nd Street all in 5 months, to nothing for a full year! That is like quitting smoking cold turkey. Performing on stage is my addiction, and I cannot wait for my next chance to fulfill my craving (probably in either SAT or some other summer production ~yikes, sooo far away).

I can't wait until friday - 9 days of break! From school AND work! Just what I need.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


5 days until... the new harry potter movie and thanksgiving break!
10 days until... RENT is in theatres ( I think)
12 days until... a reunion with ALL of my best friends from highschool ( finally all in the same place at the same time)
42 days until... Christmas (yes, I count down from Nov.1 every year)
255 days until... my 19th birthday ( I am not counting that already, although I do know that there are 986 days until I am 21)

and finally...


Are there any special countdowns for anyone else? Is anyone else dorky enough to still count things down?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Just because the last time I had a concert I informed everyone of it kinda late, I decided that this time I would let everyone know earlier. My next school concert is coming up! We recieved the music about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks ago( so about 3-4 rehearsals), and we have only about 6 or so rehearsals left until the performances. What are we singing? Mozart's mass in C minor. Three of the school's choirs are joining with an orchestra to perform this massive piece. One of the coolest things about it is the 2 choir divisi which not only sounds awesome, but saves my voice, because I do not have to be singing at all times-"choir 2 " takes over at just the right time. So, for a might of great music, come to the SIUE choral concert:

December 8&9 @Dunham Hall theatre ( at SIUE)

I am not sure of the time yet, but it probably starts around 7 or 7:30. When I find out, I will post it.

Let me know if you are interested in going and need any information (like directions etc.)