Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and lets go already!
After a wonderful Christmas (family, diamonds, and a digital camera), and a fantastic New Year, I am sitting around the house thinking that it is time to get back to school already. I am so bored, and am anxiously awaiting monday, when I get to throw myself into the hell hole that is 19 credit hours of classes, and I even go back to work. Yeah, I know, sounds great huh? Well I think so. For some odd reason, over the past few years, I have come to realize that I am not satisfied unless I am spreading myself waaayyyy too thin. I mean, in my senior year of high school, I was in 8 extra curriculars in school including vice president of StuCo, and a lead in a play. Out of school I had 2 more. Now in college, (I know that this sounds just a little psycho, but...) I literally have every single minute from the second I wake up to the time I go to sleep booked and busy. When I don't, I just lay around bored out of my mind, or I sleep. The really sad thing is I enjoy it. Having to rush from class to class because I have 7 back to backs and then a full night of work sounds great to me. So, I may be the only college student in the universe saying this, but "Can I go back to school now?"