Yesterday, my voice teacher wanted to talk to me... and she was being extra polite. I was immediately suspicious. She started to ask about my work schedule and how flexible it could be. She went on to ask if there was any way I could move my work days around so that I had tuesdays and wednesdays off. I said yes, not knowing what I had just done by saying so. She then told me that they were in dire need of one more female dancer for the april production of "Pirates of Penzance". I love theatre, so of course, I had to say yes. As I was going home, it really hit me... I had just lost my only two free nights, now being tied up monday thru friday.
Can someone out there teach me how to say "NO"? I know that word is in my vocabulary, because I have used it quite a few times. Any time that someone asks me for a favor though, I just can't say it! I did it in high school, and kinda screwed myself over by doing so, but I have been sooo good about it this year, I thought that I had broken the habit. Hmmm... guess not.
I think that learning this simple little word would really help me out, but in the meantime... I guess I will just have to live with a busy schedule once again.