A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

yeeeeaaaaahhhh baby!

I am officially on Christmas break until January 8th! 25 days off! So, other than a buttload of laundry to do before I pack, some books to return, and a paycheck to pick up, I am home free! Whoohoo! I cannot wait until I am at home with absolutely nothing on my mind to worry about, and no work to do... except SHOPPING! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a great holiday!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

week before finals... eeewwww

4 finals to study for, (theory, chemistry, german diction, and logic)
2 big papers due, (eng. comp and chemistry)
2 really, really long rehearsals for Mozart concert, (3-4 hours non stop)
2 really, really long Mozart concerts, (not exactly sure how long, but I know it is really long)
6 songs to perfect for vocal juries, (3 english, 2 italian, 1 german)
2 long days of work over the weekend, (I am sooo sick of pizza hut)
1 scratchy throat ( :( )

10 days until
3 weeks of break! ( yaaaayyyy christmas!)