A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Concert time!

So, after our little trip up to ren fest in Kansas Citi this weekend (which was, by the way, really cool), our choir at schoo; is really buckling down. "Why?", you may ask. Well, let me tell you.

On Tuesday, October 25, the SIUE Concert Choir is giving their first concert of the school year. It is at St. Boniface Church in downtown Edwardsville it 7:30 pm. The coolest thing is that we are sharing the concert with the choir from Triad High School. I don't exactly know where they are from, but they are really good! The musical selection is superb, and the performance will be stunning! I have even scored a small solo lasting about 4 or 5 measures! Yay me!
Anyway, I know that it is a longshot, but if anyone is actually interested in driving to edwardsville to come to the concert, email me or comment or something, and I will attempt to give you directions, or at least link you to someone who can!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's Fall Festival Week, but let me know how it goes, & when your next one is.

3:56 PM


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