A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A few answers!

So, christian interviewed me, and I answered his questions as well as I could.

1. What is your biggest fear heading towards college?

Well, I have two. The first would have to be living away from home in a town that I don't know well at all. True, I am living with someone who has been in edwardsville for years, but she has a job, and a life of her own, I won't have her in the car with me at all times. ( and if you are saying "well duh, use a map", NO! MAPS + ALLI = TROUBLE!)
Second is financial issues. I have lived with the reality of real financial difficulty for years now, but I have never had to deal with paying the bills with no money in the account- that was for mom and dad. Now, I need to come up with at least $350 a month ( although I did just get an on campus job at pizza hut today!) Still, needing cash and not having mom and dad there to ask for help is scary!

2. In your life thus far, what was the performance (not necessarily theatrical) you were most proud of?

Ok, that would definitely have to be my performance in high school, both acedemically, and everything else. In gradeschool, there were the people who were picked on, and the people who did the picking. I was one of the picked on... kind of a lot. Somehow in highschool, I changed that. First I changed my grades. I went from failing one or two classes a quarter to being on honor roll all year freshman, junior, and senior year. Also, I had no enemies that I knew of, and tons of friends. I found out my sophomore year that I could sing kinda well, and I used that a lot. For the most part, my teachers loved me, and I never had issues or problems with them. By the end of senior year, I had been a cheerleader, and was vice president of student council, a student ambassador, a member of jazz band, concert band, chamber singers, lit music, campus ministry, and had landed a few leading roles in guild productions. So yeah, I am proud of that!

3. You just recently started your blog. What made you decide to do it now?

Well, 2 things really. Going off to college made me want to have a way other than email and phones to let anyone who cares know whats up. Second, when I would check to see if other people had updated their blogs , and they hadn't, I decided to start a blog where there was a new post whenever I wanted one. Plus, I wanted my name to be all highlighty when I commented on other sites!

4. Which 3 people in your life do you most admire?

Sorry c2, I can do 2 or 4, but not 3... so, I guess first is my grandmother. She is a breast cancer survivor, her son has mental retardation, now she is living with diabetes, and her husband suffers from dimensia. Second is my mother. She didn't know what she wanted to do after highschool, so she went to school to be a radiological technician. Now she does a job she doesn't like, gets paid crap, has worked her ass off for her family, and has helped her mother through breast cancer and diabetes, her brother through mental retardation, and her father through dimensia. Third is my father. To me, he knows everything. He has so many stories to tell, and the amazing thing is, they are all 100% true! But most of all, he taught me to sing. Last is my little sister, my boo bear. Ever since she was born, she has been second best. I took dance lessons, so did she, off and on, but then quit while I went on. I took piano lessons, and so did she, but quit because she wasn't getting it like I was. She was in a choir with me, but quit because she wasn't having any fun, and she didn't like that she was in the backround while I had the solos. In the production of Anything Goes, all she wanted was chorus, but she didn't even make it while I scored the lead. When she was 5, she had mono, and now she has a skin disease that has been an easy target for other peoples comments. But God, I wish I had her figure!

5. What do you see yourself doing after graduating college?

My dream is to do Broadway, but I see myself teaching music!

Thanks C2, that was fun.


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