A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

It makes you think...

This past weekend, a former high school classmate of mine passed away. Alex Bilyeu, 20, was found dead after jumping off the 14th story of a building. It made me feel really bad, because he was the quiet guy who no one really talked to or befriended. Also it hit me that he was a member of the guild, which made him family. He was one of our stage managers when we did The Crucible, and I remember people talking about him behind his back. He was made fun of because honestly he was an easy target. So my thought for now is:

"Who did you judge today? How did it effect that person?"

Rest in Peace, Alex


Blogger ieatboogers said...

I knew him a little bit - I played chess with him.
I'll miss him.

10:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for acknowledging my son. He will be alive to me forever.

7:38 AM


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