A page with random thoughts, deep questions, personal info, and just about anything else that pops into my head.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

2 weeks and counting...

2 weeks from today, I move into the dorms on campus. I am super excited to be back with my friends, probably make some new ones, and have a few days to do just whatever before classes start. Ugh, that's what I am not looking forward to, classes. Now, the ok ones like choir and voice lessons are fine, but going back to my music theory class does not exactly make me very cheerful. Oh well, I guess you can't win 'em all.

Off the subject, if anyone wants to donate to the send Alli to europe fund, I need to raise about $1200 by sept 30. I am currently still at $0. I love you all!


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10:41 PM


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